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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cop-out post

Did a teensy bit of coding on that content manager stuff but it's not particularly fun and work's been kinda busy so not a lot happened the past few weeks.

But here's a post anyway to show that I still care.

So I was thinking about level design and how to put a unique spin on the game to keep it interesting and an idea popped into my head that I've got a hard time getting rid of.

What if I made Gloom a FPS Roguelike?

Think about it! I think it would be pretty freakin' cool, and doable too!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wrestling with the content manager

For the most part I think XNA is brilliantly designed. The Content Manager though... meh.

To add a new type of content to a project you need to create a whole slew of classes across multiple projects with specific compiler instructions and links to each other. The whole thing is also very debug resistant - it's hard to put breakpoints in a content processor because it is run during compile time instead of runtime.

I mean I guess it's not super hard, and the documentation is nice, but it's still a chore. Difficult to wrap my head around. I've avoided digging into the content manager so far (even at work), but I'd like to do this right.

The goal is to have a system where artists can just send me images with some extra information and the content manager automatically parses them into a spritesheet to use in the game.

like this

I can already do that, but it happens during the game itself (so the player is treated to a loading bar). With the content manager I could do it in advance and load the spritesheets directly into the game.